I'D like to e-mail someone can it be done without pay?

2007-11-21 11:10 pm
I'd like to e-mail some one with out cost.
Iam 69 what is wrong with my age

回答 (5)

2007-11-21 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i dont get your question, except that your older so u dont understand how to..?? if thats the question there are tons of places where you can make a free email address & it never cots money to send an email so start here yahoo.com u can make a free email on here, or on hotmail.com & im sure theres lots of other sites w/ free email.
2007-11-22 7:17 am
2007-11-22 7:17 am
Nothing wrong with a 69 eh!!
2007-11-22 7:15 am
go msn hotmail.com you can send and recive emails from any where for free.
2007-11-22 7:14 am
There's absolutely nothing wrong with your age, if you're "reasonable". Say if you want to email someone 60+ years old, I don't see any problem with it.

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