What type of Bridge (Card game)?

2007-11-22 7:24 am
I want to get more information (i.e. tips, online game) of the following Bridge game.
1) The open leader will choose a card (e.g. heart 5), then heart will be the trump card
2) The person who have heart 5 will be his partner
3) All players will need to guess who is his partner
4) The highest score of you with your partner will win the game
5) "J""Q""K" will get 0.5 marks, "A" will get 1 mark
6) All other rules will be same as other Bridge game

回答 (2)

2007-11-28 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我朋友教過我玩一個遊戲叫意大利橋牌, Italian Bridge.
玩法同你講的差唔多, 咁我講下個玩法同你講的分別, 或者你無提及過的啦:
1. 五個人玩的, 每次玩五的倍數的局, 輪住做open leader, 計總分定勝負.

2. 分數仍是"J" ;"Q&quo t;"K&qu ot; will get 0.5 marks, "A" ; will get 1 mark, 但遊戲中,由大至細的係3,2,A,K,Q,.....,4, 由於五個人玩, 梅花4同階磚4不要. 每局完後, 每組的組員得分係該組的分相加.

3. 輪住做open leader, 做open leader 睇完牌後, 可以pass俾下一位做, 若五人都pass, 洗牌再派再黎過.

4.Open leader 同樣選持有某張咭的做partner, 但可以是自己都得, 即1 對 4.
5. Open leader 再選trump card, 唔一定要同剛才講的持咭同一樣的花.

我未玩過你講的版本, 但以想像黎睇, 呢個版本比較好玩同公平.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:17:30
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