easy F.2 math plz help quick

2007-11-22 6:16 am
Find the maximun absolute error and relative error,in form of 1/n,of each of the following values.
1) 2.5cm (corr. to the nearest 0.1 cm)
2) 400m (corr. to the nearest 10 m)
3) $25000 (corr. to 2sig.fig.)
4) 16.7cm (corr. to 3 sig.fig)
5) 1.630g (corr. to 4 sig.fg)

回答 (1)

2007-11-22 6:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 2.5cm (corr. to the nearest 0.1 cm)
maximun absolute error
= 1/2×correct to the nearest
= 1/2×0.1 cm
= 0.05cm
relative error
= maximun absoulte error / measured value
= 0.05/2.5
= 1/50

2)400m (corr. to the nearest 10 m)
maximun absolute error
= 1/2×10 m
= 5m
relative error
= 5/400
= 1/80

3) $25000 (corr. to 2sig.fig.)
maximun absolute error
= 1/2×$1000
= $500
relative error
= 500/25000
= 1/50

4) 16.7cm (corr. to 3 sig.fig)
maximun absolute error
= 1/2×0.1cm
= 0.05cm
relative error
= 0.05/16.7
= 5/1670
= 1/334

5) 1.630g (corr. to 4 sig.fg)
maximun absolute error
= 1/2×0.001g
= 0.0005g
relative error
= 0.0005/1.630
= 1/3260

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:32:54
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