
2007-11-22 6:07 am
以下一有則知識, 看完一篇英語回答後..告訴我
淡奶是由牛奶經過什麼過程加工, 抽掉多少%的水份而成為淡奶的.
1) 什麼過程抽掉水份的?(大概意思就可以了)
3)如果也有提到鍊奶做法, 請也簡略解釋1,2 兩點.

Sorry, 標題應該是(幫我解釋英文.)


回第一位: 我看不明白寫什麼啊~!!!

回答 (2)

2007-11-26 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 重點應在以下第3點中;

2) 似乎內文沒有提供你想要的具體答案, 請留意以下第一段引言;
3) 請看翻譯

"Evaporated milk (淡奶) is the liquid food obtained by partial removal of water only from milk. It contains not less than 6.5 percent by weight of milkfat, not less than 16.5 percent by weight of milk solids not fat, and not less than 23 percent by weight of total milk solids. (因此, 淡奶的定義似乎不在於計算要抽掉total水份中的%, 而是計各主要成份中各抽掉多少%)

The Manufacturing Process
Evaporated milk
The raw milk (未提煉的奶) is transported from the dairy farm to the plant (從牧場被送至工廠) in refrigerated tank trucks (載於有冷藏設備的大貨車中). At the plant, (到了廠後) the milk is tested for odor, taste, bacteria, sediment, and the composition of milk protein and milk fat. (測試奶: 包括其氣味, 味道, 細菌量, 沈澱物, 蛋白質及脂肪成份) The composition of protein and fat is measured by passing the milk under highly sensitive infrared lights. (蛋白質及脂肪成份是以高度敏感的紅外線測試)
The milk is piped through filters and into the pasteurizers. (將奶 bump 過了有過濾的管道, 再注入巴氏滅菌器中) Here, the milk is quickly heated in (在那裡快速加熱) one of two ways. (其方法有二) The High Temperature Short Time method (HTST) subjects the milk to temperatures of 161 °F (71.6°C) for 15 seconds. (方法一叫做 HTST, 是將奶置於華氏161度15秒) The Ultra High Temperature (UHT) method heats the milk to 280°F (138°C) for two seconds. (方法二叫做 UHT, 是將奶加熱至華氏280度2秒鐘)

Both methods increase the milk's stability, decrease the chance of coagulation during storage, and decrease the bacteria level. (以上兩方法可增加奶質的穩定性, 減少在存放時奶質凝固的機會, 也可減少含菌量)

The warm milk is piped to an evaporator. Through the process of vacuum evaporation, (exposing a liquid to a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure) the boiling point of the milk is lowered to 104-113°F (40-45°C).(奶再被 bump 進蒸發器/脫水器中, 經過了一真空蒸發/脫水過程, 作一加壓程序, 使奶的沸點低於華氏104-113度) As a result, the milk is concentrated to 30-40% solids. Also, the milk has little or no cooked flavor. (結果是, 奶質比之前更結實, 即是傑左30至40%! 而且是沒有人工添加味道的!)

The milk is then homogenized by forcing it under high pressure through tiny holes. This breaks down the fat globules into minute particles, improving its color and stability. Pre-measured amounts of a stabilizing salt, such as potassium phosphate, are added to the milk to make it smooth and creamy. This stabilization causes the milk to turn a pale tan. The milk is passed under a series of ultraviolet lights to fortify it with Vitamin D. The milk is piped into pre-sterilized cans that are vacuum-sealed. Condensed milk 鍊奶 ;
Condensed milk is essentially evaporated milk with sugar added. The milk is then canned for consumer consumption and commercial use in baking, ice cream processing, and candy manufacture. This product has a shelf life of two years. When concentrated milk was first developed in the mid-1800s before the advent of refrigeration, many used it as a beverage.
The milk is flash-heated to about 185°F (85°C) for several seconds. It is then piped to the evaporator where the water removed. (牛奶被加熱數秒鐘, 至大約華氏185度的高溫, 之後, 被 bump 去蒸發/脫水器中, 在那裡, 奶的水份會被抽去... flash-heated 可能是一種加熱法, 也可能是指快速地加熱的意思) The milk is then concentrated under vacuum pressure until it measures between 30-40% solid. It now has a syrupy consistency. (之後, 會用真空處理法, 令奶質更高度集中 -- 即更比原本的奶傑左約30-40%!) The milk is cooled and then inoculated with approximately 40% powdered lactose crystals. The milk is then agitated to stimulate crystallization. It is this sugar that preserves the condensed milk. The milk is piped into sterilized cans that are then vacuum-sealed.
參考: 自己很比心機譯的, 不是用翻譯機!
2007-11-22 6:49 am
淡奶是只從牛奶因為水的部分排除被獲得的液體食品。它不少於milkfat的6.5重量百分數包含, 不少於不濃濃牛奶立體圖形的16.5重量百分數,而不少於總牛奶固體的23重量百分數



未經消毒的牛奶被從牛奶場農場到冷藏的箱卡車裡的裝置運送。 在植物,牛奶被為氣味,口味,細菌測試,沈澱物和牛奶蛋白質和牛奶的組成油膩。 蛋白質和脂肪的組成透過在非常敏感的紅外的燈下面遞給牛奶被測量。
牛奶被以管子輸送透過過濾器和進巴氏滅菌消毒器。 這種高溫短的時間方法(HTST) 主題奶在161 (71.6 )的溫度 15秒。極端的高溫(UHT) 方法把牛奶加熱到280 (138 ) 兩秒。


溫暖的牛奶被以管子輸送到一台蒸發器。 透過真空蒸發的過程,(把一種液體暴露在比大氣壓低的壓力中) 牛奶的沸點降低到104-113 (40-45 ) . 因此,牛奶被集中到30-40%的固體。此外,牛奶幾乎沒有煮的味道。

預測量的穩定的鹽的數量,例如鉀磷酸鹽,被增加到牛奶使它光滑而含奶油。 這穩定引起牛奶轉動淡褐色。


牛奶對大約185 (85 )閃光加熱 幾秒。 它然後被對水遷移的蒸發器以管子輸送。
撲粉乳糖水晶,牛奶被冷卻然後用大約40% 接種。是這糖保護煉乳。


參考: 我

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