F.2 math plz help easy quick plz

2007-11-22 5:51 am
The height of May is 156.0 cm(correct to the nearest 0.2 cm).Find the maximun absolute error,upper limit and lower limit of the height of May.

回答 (3)

2007-11-22 5:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
(correct to the nearest 0.2 cm)
maximum absolute error=0.2/2=0.1(cm)
upper limit=156.1
and lower limit=155.9
2007-11-22 5:59 am
maximun absolute error = 0.2cm / 2 = 0.1cm
upper limit of the height of May = 156.0 + 0.1 = 156.1 cm
lower limit of the height of May = 156.0 - 0.1 = 155.9 cm
2007-11-22 5:57 am
the maximun absolute error:
upper limit:
lower limit:

2007-11-21 21:58:02 補充:
the maximun absolute error:0.2cm/2=0.1cm
參考: me`

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