
2007-11-22 5:20 am
提供詞語:be,brush,catch,have,not get up,travel,put on relax,say,switch,take,not live。(simple present tense)I(1)an easy journey to school every .My school (2 )near my home.It only ( 3)me ten minutes to get there.I (4)in the morning unti eighto`clock.My best friends( 5)May and Jenny.They_ (6 )_next to school.May_ (7 )a bus early each morning.She (8 )that she even( 9)_her hair and(10 )her tie on the bus.Jenny(11) from Tuen Mun.On the bus,she (12 )her MP4 player and then(13 )for the whole trip.

回答 (1)

2007-11-22 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. travels
2. is
3. takes
4. do not get up
5. are
6. do not live
7. catches
8. said
9. brushes
10. put on relax
11. is
12. switches
13. travels

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