Look forward to 的問題 (應用題目)(10分3題)

2007-11-22 3:33 am

1.Look forward to的to 後面為何要用-ing,而不用現在式。(中文作答)

2.Look forward to的所有意思。(中英對照)

3..Look forward to的例句。(中英對照)


回答 (2)

2007-11-22 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 因為 [look forward to] 是一個 verb phrase (動詞片語), [look forward] 一定要 加 [to]. [look forward to] 後面一定要跟一個 noun (名詞) 或 noun phrase (名詞片語), 而不是一個 verb-to-be; -ing form 只是 noun phrase 常見的其中一種形式, 其實不一定要用 -ing form, 例如: I'm looking forward to your birthday party. (我期待著你的生日會.) 在這個例子中 [looking forward to] 後面用的 noun phrase 並不是 -ing form 的形式.

2. [look forward to] 的意思是 [期望,期盼].

3. 例句: I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
意思: 我期望明天跟你見面.
2007-11-23 3:09 am
the rest was okay but the explanation for 1..? i dont agree
he's answering you in "look / looking", not "look forward to x-ing / look forward to x“

2007-11-22 19:12:50 補充:
number one's "-ing" depends on your action following the sentence, in order words, the "action" that's been stated in the sentence

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