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接吻魚 (Kissing Gourami) (正式學名:Helostoma temminckii),正式名稱吻鱸,又名Kiss魚、吻嘴魚。屬於鱸形目攀鱸亞目沼口魚科沼口魚屬,是觀賞熱帶魚的知名品種之一。原產於印度尼西亞爪哇島和馬來西亞等地。野生種成魚可長達20-30厘米,家養後魚體變小為10厘米左右。接吻魚以接吻而聞名,兩條接吻魚之間可發生如人類接吻一樣的動作,時間長達數分鐘。但這並非是表示親熱,而是爭奪領地的行為。現已難見作為寵物飼養的接吻魚接吻。除了具觀賞價值之外,接吻魚亦可食用。
Kissing gouramis, also known as kissers (Helostoma temminckii), are large tropical freshwater fish comprising the monotypic labyrinth fish family Helostomatidae (from the Greek elos [stud, nail], stoma [mouth]).These fish originate from Thailand to Indonesia. They are highly commercial food fish which are farmed in their native Southeast Asia. They are used fresh for steaming, baking, broiling, and pan frying.