
2007-11-21 11:03 pm
我而家18歲,讀到中5,會考有10分(full sert)做緊倉務員,讀緊lcc中級
同埋我可以點搵d會計助理做,唔知係邊度搵= ='



好多謝 ffxplus2003個意見 ,仲有冇人可以比到意見我 我有3科想讀:電腦 會計 管理 大家踴躍d啦

回答 (2)

2007-11-21 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最抵, 最便宜, 又多認可的課程. 係間線下果欄的了.
頭一萬可以獲政府資助~ (自己睇)

lcc3rd. 我自己成日睇報紙, 最好考埋. 先上dipolma.
因為兩樣都有需求. 這是報紙可以做證~

係呢度上dipolma, 又可直上海外認可的碩士學位.其好
處是只係考, 校內試. 所以巿面都較多人, 有高學歷.你
有5萬蚊, 肯花心機就得. 由於佢一樣獲會計師公會認可.

到時, 考唔考埋執照, 可以再作決定~! 因為執照, 就逃不

所以, 你要留意. 因為學歷普及化, 人手多. 人工就會下調.
其實會計本身唔係唔值錢~ 只係個個掙著做, 個個肯接受
底價位. 就整體價錢拖累.

現在, 據我所知, 有學位, 或會計碩士的薪金是12k-18k左
右. 持牌會計師, 係20k-25k.

呢d 價位, 可能對你來講, 做倉會係好高價錢. 但其實係偏

可能有人會叫你報aat果8張卷. 但你要留意~ 出來搵工, 人
地係睇你有無dipolma, or 有無 degree. 你考曬aat.後
既不是dipolma, 又不是degree. 搵工係好麻煩.....

係的, 有話, 呢個認可以, 可以等同degree. 什至高於dipolma
但係, 除左大公司, 好多中小企的僱主和人事部.
根本唔清楚呢d 公會.

aat 只係比你升學時, 給你有大學生同等的待遇.
靠佢搵野做, 就真有保留. 再者, 佢張張卷考公開試.
係便宜~ 但我勸你拎張dipolma好過.

點先搵倒會計助理做. 你只可以靠口材, 吹水,話你做倉果
份工, 其實係做會計文員助理, 幫人加下數. 要d咩證明...
你自己諗啦. 你係有心做, 覺得自己係會做得好. 呢d野唔

(Professional Diploma in Accounting and Finance) $4,060起
文憑獲 AIA 國際會計師公會認可,獲AIA豁免6科公開試卷,申請AIA 國際會計證書 。 文憑畢業學員可直申請成為AIA Affiliate Member, 取得 (AMIA銜頭)。
文憑直銜接英國寶盾大學最後一年,修讀 6科,可選擇100%在港修讀,大學學費約HK$57,000。
100%在港修讀大學首選 + 升讀本地大學碩士學位!

2007-11-21 15:24:21 補充:
日校, 去報ive啦~

2007-11-21 16:36:36 補充:
我同你講, 考倒試, 唔包100%可以入倒行.你借的錢可以搵得返架~你仲後生, 可以做著先, 再慢慢睇真d自己興趣係乜先.唔駛下下訓曬身去架.
2007-11-25 1:23 am
after complete lcci 2nd level, you can apply any account clerk job. at the night time, you can do you aat study for 8 papers exams. after aat exam and you would like to be a qualified accountant which you need to do is: either join hkicpa qp program or apply any top up degree.

actually, if you complete aat, you can try to apply any local accounting firm (either audit or a/c post, however i suggest better doing auditing). you can learn lots during on that time. however, i can tell you that the salary is very low (for local firm salary around 7-8k) and high pressure. in addition, if you are not a/c degree holder and joining hkicpa qp program, you need four years working experience by authorised employer/ authorised supersivor.

for details, please browse www.hkicpa.org.hk
then : qp & students ---> entry routs

to be a professional is not easy. you need to face heavy office politics, few tax deadlines, cpd and exam etc etc...you better think think can you accept this long path way....

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