
2007-11-21 6:50 pm
我想問如果有人寫信給你而下款用cheers, 但若果與這個人不是太熟的話,那代表什麼意思?

回答 (5)

2007-11-21 6:55 pm
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No any underlying meanings since it's commonly used either formal or informal letters.

2007-12-01 10:16 pm
"cheers"即goodbye, 平常對話也可以用,不限於寫信。
2007-11-21 7:41 pm
Cheers 那代表什麼意思?


be happy

nothing special about cheers, so don't worry!

P.S. I do not have software to type Chinese, hope above information helps you!

from USA
參考: I am Taiwanese American live in New York City.
2007-11-21 7:26 pm
cheers 是一個較年輕的用語, 不一定是朋友才可以用,
那是表達友善的意思, 不是太formal的email都可以用.
參考: my opinion... ^^
2007-11-21 7:16 pm
Agree with the above answers. We'll not use Cheers in formal letters or office emails.

Eg If the addressee is a Corporate - Dear Sirs, end with Yours faithfully
If the addressee is a person Dear Mr/Miss Chan, end with Yours sincerely.

In office emails, end with regards, kind regards etc.

You will end a letter/email with Cheers if it is an informal/friendly type of letter/emails - no particular meaning, it's like saying Bye but you wish to end the mail with a happy tone/note.

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