蘇聯/俄羅斯特種部隊(Spetsnaz)有咩威水史? (15)

2007-11-21 10:17 am

俄軍嘢非常冷門, 我好多嘢都一知半解, 關於Spetsnaz 嘅書都搵唔到...希望俄軍方面專家多多指教

有冇人可以列出一些Spetsnaz參與過嘅任務, 冷戰時和冷戰後都可以



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回答 (2)

2007-11-23 10:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Spetsnaz正式成立的日期一直都沒有向外公報, 但第一次出擊是70年代蘇聯入侵阿富汗。1979年9月16日哈菲祖拉﹒阿明推翻了於1978年4月通過政變上台的塔拉基政權, 繼而引起蘇聯不滿, 1979年12月24日蘇聯以聯合清剿回教游擊隊為名, 在貝洛諾夫上校的率領下, Spetsnaz秘密進駐阿富汗首都喀布爾郊外的巴格拉姆空軍基地。

當年, 蘇聯出動大量兵力作戰前準備, 包括有: 六個摩托化步兵師, 兩個空降師, 三個武裝直升機團隊及二個運輸直升機團; 共十二萬五千人, 裝備有坦克二千餘輛、步兵戰車一千輛、各種火炮二千門、汽車二萬五千輛、各種固定翼飛機二百架、直升機一百五十架。

1979年12月27日23:40, 共三個營的特種部隊分別向魯拉曼宮, 阿富汗內政部和喀布爾廣播電台進發; 當中以向魯拉曼宮為主力, 分別有T-62坦克十二輛, 十輛步兵戰車, 五輛裝甲運兵車和一百二十名特種部隊。

車隊抵達魯拉曼宮後, 特種部隊只用了12分鐘就成功攻陷魯拉曼宮, 並行刺了哈菲祖拉﹒阿明及其家人一其29人。

1979年12月28日凌晨, 於阿富汗邊境的蘇軍正式入侵, 1星期後阿富汗完全陷入紅軍手中。

而一直困擾俄國多年的車臣問題, 於90年代曾嘗試以車臣共和國的身份獨立, 其後莫斯科除派出正規地面部隊進攻格羅茲尼外, 還派出了Spetsnaz的Alpha Group與及內政部的MVD到高加索地區進行叛軍清剿行動。

Spetsnaz除被派到戰線外, 曾被西方發現Spetsnaz被派到參加國際性大型運動會, 像70年代的奧運會。
2007-11-21 2:00 pm
In the late sixties, four-man SPETSNAZ teams were clandestinely inserted into Vietnam to test the then-new SVD sniper rifle in combat.13 In May 1968, a reconnaissance-sabotage group attached to the 103d Guards Airborne Division seized Prague Airport to enable the division to land. Prior to the operation, the officers and men were familiarized with the airport and its defenses. They embarked on a plane that received permission to land at Prague based on a fictitious claim of engine trouble. As the aircraft touched down and slowed, they jumped out, seized guard posts, and helped to set up a control team to bring in the division.
In December 1979, SPETSNAZ, in company with the Committee for State Security (KGB), surrounded President Hafizullah Amin's palace in Kabul, Afghanistan, and proceeded to execute Amin and virtually everyone in the palace. In the words of an Afghan survivor, "the SPETSNAZ used weapons equipped with silencers and shot down their adversaries like professional killers." After this, the SPETSNAZ secured Kabul Airport in preparation for the mass airlanding of airborne troops. Subsequent operations in Afghanistan have included attempts to ambush the rebel leader Ahmed Shah Massoud, infiltration of rebel-held territory, and heliborne ambushes of rebel units.
There was midget submarine activity within territorial waters in October 1982 in Sweden and in August 1983 in Japan. The midget submarines probably belonged to naval SPETSNAZ and may have been delivered to the target area by specially equipped India-class submarines. Discovery of tracks from the submarines also coincided with reports of unknown divers appearing on shore, leading to speculation that SPETSNAZ were conducting penetration exercises in foreign countries. The true reasons for this activity may never be known, but the boldness of the operations had the undeniable effect of enhancing the reputation of SPETSNAZ.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:32:29
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