POLL: Do you believe in Evolution or creationism or other?

2007-11-21 1:10 am
I believe in Evolution.

Creationism is nonsense. no offense...


. Creationism is not scientific and never will be. If we're forced to believe alternative beliefs as ID and Creationism , the so-called Pastafarians and The Flying Spaghetti Monster belief is just as realistic and credible.Creationism is essentially arguing that because the natural world can't be explained 100%, therefore an old man with a gray beard really high in the sky must have waved his magic wand are created the world a few days. Biblical creationism is not scientific. It is an excellent example of a logical fallacy called "begging the question". It requires one to take the Bible as infallible, and this premise is not falsifiable. End of story. Intelligent design is also idiotic nonsense. An alternative belief, to be sure, but it's not a scientific belief. I'll admit it's more plausible than creationism, but it still has the same problem with its premise - that, and there's no way to test it or prove it wrong.

回答 (46)

2007-11-21 1:19 am
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Evolution. Totally.
2007-11-21 1:17 am
2007-11-21 1:21 am
The Almighty created then evolution took over at some point in the detail work. Evolution is a tool of God.
2007-11-21 1:24 am
I suppose I believe in evolution, but that doesn't exclude a god either. Evolution is the vehicle, but who's the driver?

Why did you put POLL in front of your question if you are going to put your own opinion forward, and knock down those you disagree with? This isn't a chat room. If you have a question ask it and accept an answer
2007-11-21 1:19 am
2007-11-21 1:18 am
I believe in Evolution and it's simply impossible for me to understand how come so many people (only from the US and that tells you there has to be something wrong with education there) may defend something as primitively nonsensical as creationism. Really, I'm puzzled! Furthermore, you don't need to be a creationist to be a Christian, all you need is to be irrational and blind as a bat.
2007-11-21 1:17 am
Both. I believe God is the source of all being, and everything and everyone that exists, exists because it is God's will. I believe evolution is a true scientific explanation, understandable here below, of how God carried out His work of creation over the years. (How do I reconcile those? I believe the Bible is a spiritual book pointing us to God's action in the world, written by humans using the idiom of their day, and not to be taken as a book of science or history.)
2007-11-21 11:23 pm
I believe in creation. The world is created by God.
2007-11-21 1:22 am
2007-11-21 1:19 am
I have recently heard a theory that says that we collectively make up the God energy (the creative force in the Universe) and I find that idea very intriguing. The idea that we as a group have created this existence with intention, merely because we wish to - to be, to learn, to feel - is one I find particularly appealing.

I don't really believe in evolution or creationism, though to my mind there does seem to be more evidence of evolution - but what else would you expect from such a meticulous religion as science? Once you go down the creationism road, then you have a being that could have created all this 2 generations ago with an ellaborate story and who knows where you are.


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