十分急!! 中釋英 (15分)

2007-11-21 6:53 am
十分急!! 中釋英 (15分) 要d自己釋,認真d!!!

1. Lady Capulet arranged Juliet's wedding. Do you agree with arranged marriages? Why or why not?

2. Paris was addicted to gambling. Do you think gambling should be legal or illegal? Why?

3. Express how you felt about the performance.

4. Choose your favourite character and describe why you liked him or her.

5. What changes would you suggest that would make the drama more enjoyable?

回答 (3)

2007-11-21 7:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Lady Capulet arranged Juliet's wedding. Do you agree with arranged marriages? Why or why not?
Lady Capulet 安排了Juliet 的結婚典禮. 你是否認同此婚姻? 為什麼呢? 為什麼不呢?

2. Paris was addicted to gambling. Do you think gambling should be legal or illegal? Why?
Paris 沈溺於賭博. 你是否認為賭博應該合法, 還是非法? 為何呢?

3. Express how you felt about the performance.

4. Choose your favourite character and describe why you liked him or her
選出你喜愛的角色, 並且描述為何你喜愛他或她

5. What changes would you suggest that would make the drama more enjoyable?
2007-11-21 9:07 am
1. Juliet夫人的Capulet被安排的婚禮。 您是否同意被安排的婚姻? 為什麼或為什麼沒有?
2. 巴黎是上癮的到賭博。 您是否認為賭博應該是法律或非法的? 為什麼?
3. 表達您對表現的感覺。
4. 選舉你喜歡的人物及形容/解釋你為什麼會喜歡他/她?
5. 你會建意些什麼去令到你的話劇更加有趣味性?
2007-11-21 7:20 am
1 。夫人capulet安排朱麗葉的婚禮。你是否同意包辦婚姻?為什麼或為什麼不?

2 。巴黎是沉迷賭博。你認為賭博的,應是合法或非法的?為什麼呢?

3 。如何表達你的感受表現。

4 。選擇您最喜愛的性格,並描述你為什麼喜歡他或她。

5 。什麼變化,你會建議將使戲劇更愉快嗎?

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