How to do this q ?

2007-11-21 5:33 am
How to do this q ? Please...

Eric has some $2 coins and $5 coins . If the total number of coins is 12 and their total value is $39 , how many $2 coins and $5 coins does Eric have ?

( ) = 39 ?

回答 (3)

2007-11-21 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let the number of $2 be m & the number of $5 be y

m+y=12 -------------(1)
2(m)+ 5(y) = 39 ----(2)

by (1), m=12-y

sub into (2),
2(12-y) +5(y)=39

Then, m=12-5 =3
Ans. The numbers of $2 and $5 are 3 and 5 respectively

2007-11-20 21:44:00 補充:
Sorry~ Amendment is as follows:Then, m=12-5 =7Ans. The numbers of $2 and $5 are 7 and 5 respectively

2007-11-28 00:13:21 補充:
Many thanks for your appreciation
2007-11-21 5:46 am
Let $2 coin = y, and $5 coin = z
y + z = 12.......equation 1 ---> y = 12-z
2y + 5z = 39.....equation 2
Put equation 1 into equation 2
2(12-z) + 5z = 39
3z = 15
z=5 ---> if z = 8, y = 12-5 so y = 7
Eric has 7 $2 coin and 5 $5 coin
參考: me
2007-11-21 5:42 am
Let Eric have x $2 coins and (12 - x) $5 coins.
2(x) + 5(12 - x) = 39
2x + 60 - 5x = 39
-3x = -21
x = 7

Therefore, Eric has 7 $2 coins and 5 $5 coins.

If there is a mistake, please inform me.
參考: My Maths knowledge

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:32:32
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