
2007-11-21 3:18 am

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2007-11-21 3:25 am
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"soothes" 相關搜尋: 網頁 | 知識
參考: me
2007-11-26 12:36 am
牛津字典我沒有,金山詞霸的十本 十本 十本 十本 十本 十本 十本 十本 十本字典解析我倒有:


2007-11-25 16:42:17 補充:
现代英汉综合大辞典soothe vt.安慰; 使镇定[平静]缓和, 减轻(痛苦等)奉承soothe sb. 安慰某人soothe sb.'s rage 平息某人的怒气soothe one's headache 使头痛减轻

2007-11-25 16:42:47 補充:
现代英汉词典soothe soothed, soothing使平息;抚慰,安慰;使安静She soothed the child who was afraid. 她使这个害怕的孩子安静下来。使减轻痛苦;使缓和

2007-11-25 16:43:19 補充:
简明英汉词典soothe 使(某人,其神经,其情绪)平静, 安慰, 使(痛苦,疼痛)缓和或减轻

2007-11-25 16:44:18 補充:
E-Esoothes Verb1. give moral or emotional strength to(synonym) comfort, console, solace(hyponym) calm, calm down, quiet, tranquilize, 2. cause to feel better; "the medicine soothes the pain of the inflammation"(antonym) irritate(hypernym) relieve, alleviate, palliate, assuage

2007-11-25 16:44:43 補充:
与 soothe 相关的例句Serving to soothe or soften.缓和的,软化的用于起镇定或软化作用的I tried to soothe her nerves.我试着使她的神经镇定下来。To make calm or still; soothe.使平静成为安静的或静止的;使镇静To soothe, as by stroking; pacify.安抚,使温和受打击时安慰;使平静He tried to soothe the crying child.他试着去哄那个在哭的孩子。
2007-11-21 3:27 am
1. to make sbd. who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer.
2. to make a tense or painful part of your body feel more comfortable.

2007-11-20 19:30:20 補充:
中文解釋 (from 牛津高階字典)1. 安慰;撫慰;勸慰2. 減輕,緩解,緩和(身體某部位的緊張或疼痛)
參考: 牛津高階字典
2007-11-21 3:26 am
soothes [su:ð] vt. 緩和, 使安靜, 安慰, 奉承 vi. 起安慰作用

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