
2007-11-21 1:38 am
me go it-school,mother and me go to school at 8:00,school 10:00 have lucher.

回答 (3)

2007-11-21 1:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
嘩! 非常有創意!

意思可能是, 我去他的學校, 媽媽和我一同於八點到, 學校於十點是午飯時間。
參考: 自己
2007-11-21 1:52 am
it had problems in this sentence 'me go it-school', i think it must be 'i go to it-school'
'school 10:00 have lucher' sorry i don't know what it's mean.By theway, ' Mother and i go to school at 8:00 ' means 我和媽媽在八時到學校去。
2007-11-21 1:47 am
me go it-school,mother and me go to school at 8:00,school 10:00 have lucher

參考: 電腦

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