
2007-11-21 12:20 am
我有一個HK既Degree, 而家想去外國讀一年master, 但不知從何入手。
target 地點: 加拿大、紐西蘭、澳洲
其實我而家做緊廣告, 想讀一d 同 communications 有關既course.
1. 香港有無邊d agent 係幫人搞呢d 升學架?因為我上網見到的都係undergraduate 既多
2. 如果唔經agent, 應該點樣申請?
3. 如果以學英文為主, 除左美國同英國外, 邊個地方比較好?

回答 (2)

2007-11-21 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
The best is to apply through Education Consultants, just look through the Yellow Pages. Australia is a good place to learn English too - Crime rate is lower than the U.S. & cheaper than the U.K. in living expenses.

What you have to is to decide whether

1) which school is best for this type of eduation via internet
2) then you will know which country to go
3) schools which accept foreign students usually have a foreign student office to guide you with student visa thing or respective consulate from hk should be happy to help.
2007-11-22 3:35 am
好似加拿大 紐西蘭 澳洲 英國


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