Computer Homework(Fast!!!!)

2007-11-21 12:03 am
Which of the following is a common type of printers?
A. flatbedB. CRTC. inkjetD. RAM
What is the unit we use to measure how fast a printer prints?
A. ppm B. megapixels C. MB or GB D. MHz or GHz
Which of the following is a common type of monitors?
A. laser B. inkjet C. CRT D. OCR

回答 (3)

2007-11-21 12:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
C. Inkjet
A. ppm (pages per minute)
C. CRT (cathode ray tube)

2007-11-20 16:28:53 補充:
樓下唔識就唔好亂咁答。"Flatbed printer"? Printer speed 用 GHz? 唔好低能啦。
2007-11-21 12:23 am
1) C. inkjet
2) D. MHz or GHz
3) D. OCR
2007-11-21 12:17 am
1. A

2. D

3. C

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