
2007-11-20 11:39 pm
我十二月同朋友去Swiss, Italy, France,唔知應該買Eurail Pass,內陸機,定係分開買,詳情如下,希望大家幫下手!(地方已fix了,因為book了hostel)因為要去Swiss接人,所以要成日搭誇境火車,但係又唔知如果Eurail Pass TVG 要charge 幾多additional fee.
23/12 Geneva-> Paris(Swiss to Frence) 24/12 Paris -> Geneva (Frence
to Swiss) 27/12 Geneva ->Bern 30/12 Bern ->Locarno 1/1 Locarno ->
Venice(Swiss to Italy) 3/1 Venice -> Rome 5/1 Rome -> Florence 8/1
Florence -> Milan10/1 Milan-> Geneva(Italy to Swiss)

回答 (2)

2007-11-23 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
不好意思, 咁遲才回你.

有火車證, 坐tgv基本上是免費的. (除了來往倫敦的歐洲之星). 但係你要俾留位費, 每程應不多於10eu. 以你的情況, 最好都係買pass. 內陸機我不建議, 因為要check-in, 又要去機場, 都幾麻煩下...

2007-11-22 18:18:31 補充:
http://www.european-rail-tickets.com/Euaril-seat-reservations-for-daytime-trains.html終於找到了, 你自己上去呢個度就會知來往瑞士的tgv要加10eu留位費(reservation)
參考: studied in switzerland for 5yrs. have been 30countries in europe and all cantons in switzerland.
2007-11-21 12:21 am

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