Excel - Freeze function

2007-11-20 10:41 pm
我想問如果我想同時freeze horizontal and vertical 某幾行, 可以點做?
因為例如我freeze左column G (Vertical), 但如果我同時freeze row 24 (Horizontal)就唔得啦, 佢要我unfreeze左column G先

回答 (3)

2007-11-20 10:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
揀一格(H35)﹐之後再Freeze Pane。


2007-11-20 14:59:03 補充:
2007-11-20 11:05 pm
$G$24 : Vertical AND Horizontal FIX
$G24 : ONLY fix Vertical AND Horizontal CHANGE
G$24 : ONLY fix Horizontal AND Vertical CHANGE

If you want fix from A1 to B4, total 8 cells,
you can type $A$1 at the end of B4

In your case, you can fix your own using, shch as G$24.
copy the function to the other cells if you want to use this format.
otherwise, change another cells you nend to fix.
2007-11-20 11:00 pm
要同時 freeze Row 同 Colume 就要用 splite Function 啦~

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