
2007-11-20 9:52 pm
但湊大我o既grandma o係11月11日過左身!

回答 (5)

2007-11-20 10:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
二、Grandma 人是已經離開人間很多事情可以照著行程(殯葬業者會安排)走,比較有規劃性。

2007-11-20 14:37:20 補充:
參考: 人生經驗
2014-05-12 10:47 am
我一直都有過敏狀況,是最近才知道要用防螨寢具的,因為醫師建議我用,我也考慮了很久,想說要買就買最好的,上個月趁網站有折扣的時候買了一組【北之特】防蹣(螨)寢具來用用看,真沒想到~~現在覺得過敏狀況有改善多了。雖然比一般的貴一些,不過~真值得!對了~到官網購買比百貨公司專櫃還便宜喔! ^^
2007-11-22 1:56 am
Situation as it is Justice

Briefly: The time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. This card shows that wrongs will be put right. In Detail:
Whatever your past has brought to you, the time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. Perhaps there were things you would rather not have done, and your are planning now to make amends for anything you would like to clear up once and for all. If there have been some people who have crossed you and brought you distress, you are now wise and mature enough to deal with it in an intelligent and abstract way. Your thoughts are on making things better and improving your relationships. If you have to go to a court of law around this time, the final decision will be one that is fair to you. This card shows that wrongs will be put right. You can assist this process by addressing those issues that had caused friction and pain in your life and make some headway towards a more harmonious relationship with those closest to you.
Course of action to be taken Ace of Swords

Briefly: Broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways. In Detail:
When you draw this card, you are being given the urge to broaden your horizons and make sweeping changes. Your future is about to move ahead in many and varied ways. This card cuts aside those things and people that you no longer need or are relevant to your life. This can also too be a fertility card, so if you are seeking to bring a new baby into the world, this can help to manifest it. It is possible that you may feel like making a new beginning in your life and starting over. You could move house, change jobs, get married or have a new baby arrive. Whichever you choose, it will be a welcome change and one that will require additional energy on your part, however you will more than adequately meet the new challenge. Physically, it could mean that an operation is imminent, and that your health is undergoing some changes. It is possible that something has to be removed, whether that be a tooth or other body part, and it may be replaced with an artificial part. This gives the ability to recover quickly and to get on with the rest of your life. You may also be undergong major psychological changes where you are feeling more confident and outgoing. You may start becoming more ambitious or self-motivated and ready to take on new challenges and dare to do more than you have ever done before. Luck is on your side.

2007-11-21 8:45 am
2007-11-20 10:09 pm
i think u need to talk to your hubby first let him know about your feeling for your grandma. If he don't let u go. Then don't go. If not it will affect the relationship with him in future. And i believe your grandma will understand your situation. If your hubby allow u to go then u should tell your parents that your grandma love u and she will not harm you or your family. And let them know if u don't go u will feel badly in future. And if u go i will suggest u go on the last day of the 殯儀. Because by then u should be stronger and able to send her 最後一程.

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