譯中文, 勞煩

2007-11-20 9:12 pm
i agree to solicit insurance business for your company based on the following commission ratees and i further undertake to hold myself personally liable for all insurance premiums immediately after the relevant policy is issued.

examination-in-chief 又點解呢???

回答 (3)

2007-11-20 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本人同意收取以下所列之佣金額, 作為替貴公司招攬保險生意之報酬. 本人並同意為所有在保險合約發出後的保險供款負責.
examination-in-chief係法律術語. 控辨雙方根據以下次序盤問證人:
控方證人: 控方 - 辨方 - 控方
辨方證人: 辨方 - 控方 - 辨方
控方 / 辨方的第一次盤問該證人(marked as ) 便叫examination-in-chief

2007-11-20 13:54:33 補充:
上面兩位的電腦翻譯狗屁不通. 好心唔識英文 / 法律就唔好答, 免得獻醜.
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2007-11-20 9:51 pm
agree to solicit insurance business for your company based on the following commission ratees and i further undertake to hold myself personally liable for all insurance premiums immediately after the relevant policy is issued.

i 同意向保險生意要求你的基於下列委托ratees的陪伴, 在相關的保險單被發布之後,
i 更進一步保證立即對於全部保險費親自親自保持有責任。

參考: www.pk.com
2007-11-20 9:26 pm
i agree to solicit insurance business for your company based on the following commission ratees and i further undertake to hold myself personally liable for all insurance premiums immediately after the relevant policy is issued.

i 同意向保險生意要求你的基於下列委托ratees的陪伴, 在相關的保險單被發布之後,
i 更進一步保證立即對於全部保險費親自親自保持有責任。

參考: 電腦

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