
2007-11-20 9:11 pm
1) The Statement of Claim stated that Ha Chung-fong was the registered ownere and that the plaintiff was driving wiht his permission, but iberty to amend was granted to enable the plaintiff to plead that the vehicle was at all material times, and to the knowledge of the defendant through its agent Yeung Chun Ping, the porperty of the company.

回答 (5)

2007-11-20 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
在申索書(Statement of Claim)中指出, 夏仲方(Ha Chung-fong)是該車輛的註冊車主. 而申索人(Plaintiff)是在穫得該註冊車主的允許下駕駛該車輛的. 但法庭現頒發更改權限(Liberty to Amend)予申索人, 予使申索人可以提出在有關時間內(at all material times)及根據辨護人(Defendant)經由其代理人(agent)楊俊平(Yeung Chun Ping)所得知的資料下, 該車輛實為公司擁有的財產.
P.S. Ha Chung-fong同 Yeung Chun Ping 都係求其譯的.

2007-11-20 13:33:55 補充:
上面兩位的電腦翻譯狗屁不通. 好心唔識英文 / 法律就唔好答, 免得獻醜.

2007-11-21 11:28:22 補充:
loklokone5201314: 你知唔知自巳寫咗d乜? 東施效顰, 拾人牙慧, 全無創見....
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2007-11-20 11:48 pm
要求的聲明闡明, Ha 鍾fong 是登記的ownere 並且原告駕駛wiht 他的允許, 但iberty 修正被授予使原告懇求車在在所有物質次, 並且對被告的知識通過它的代理Yeung 春砰, 公司的porperty 。
2007-11-20 9:53 pm
賠清單說明哈鐘fong註冊的ownere 和原告駕駛wiht他的許可, 但是要修正的iberty被准許使原告能夠懇求車輛在全部物質時代, 並且對被告知識來說透過它的代理楊秦Ping,公司的porperty在申索書(Statement of Claim)中指出, 夏仲方(Ha Chung-fong)是該車輛的註冊車主. 而申索人(Plaintiff)是在穫得該註冊車主的允許下駕駛該車輛的. 但法庭現頒發更改權限(Liberty to Amend)予申索人, 予使申索人可以提出在有關時間內(at all material times)及根據辨護人(Defendant)經由其代理人(agent)楊俊平(Yeung Chun Ping)所得知的資料下, 該車輛實為公司擁有的財產.申索陳述書指出,房委會湧芳是註冊ownere並認為,原告駕駛與他的許可,但iberty修正是理所當然,使原告申辯說,汽車是在所有重要時刻,並以知識被告通過其代理人楊森春平, porperty的公司。
2007-11-20 9:27 pm
The Statement of Claim stated that Ha Chung-fong was the registered ownere and that the plaintiff was driving wiht his permission, but iberty to amend was granted to enable the plaintiff to plead that the vehicle was at all material times, and to the knowledge of the defendant through its agent Yeung Chun Ping, the porperty of the company.

索賠清單說明哈鐘fong註冊的ownere 和原告駕駛wiht他的許可, 但是要修正的iberty被准許使原告能夠懇求車輛在全部物質時代, 並且對被告知識來說透過它的代理楊秦Ping,公司的porperty。
參考: 電腦
2007-11-20 9:15 pm
申索陳述書指出,房委會湧芳是註冊ownere並認為,原告駕駛與他的許可,但iberty修正是理所當然,使原告申辯說,汽車是在所有重要時刻,並以知識被告通過其代理人楊森春平, porperty的公司。

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