知道對方放好多日假, 想叫佢過得開心d啦, 英文點講 ?

2007-11-20 7:35 pm
你有個很長的假期, 要好好 enjoy 呀, 希望你過得開心啦, 點寫呢 ?
外國人最愛用 Have a great day, 仲有冇其他寫發呢 ?

回答 (5)

2007-11-20 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Its always good to have a long holiday, you should really enjoy it and I hope you will have a good one!~

Clear, Straight forward, and fairly casual

Have a nice day
Have a good one
Take Care
Cheers (British style)
參考: Self
2007-11-20 9:43 pm
Heard you will be taking a long break (holiday), lucky you! Relax and enjoy yourself.

Have a long deserved break (someone who has been working so hard that he/she deserves a break). Do relax and have a great time.

Do pamper yourself (treat yourself well) and have a great holiday.
2007-11-20 9:13 pm
I know you are having a long time off/vacation . Do enjoy it and have fun!
2007-11-20 8:12 pm
你有個很長的假期, 要好好 enjoy 呀, 希望你過得開心啦
Hope that you will enjoy and have a tremendous long holiday.
參考: SELF
2007-11-20 7:41 pm
Have a wonderful hoilday!
Enjoy your long vancation!

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