轉英文"天氣轉冷,小心著涼, 如有需要可向我們索取厚棉被"

2007-11-20 7:29 pm
"天氣轉冷,小心著涼, 如有需要可向我們索取厚棉被"

回答 (5)

2007-11-21 12:05 am
The weather transfers coldly, carefully catches cold, if has the need to be possible to demand the thick cotton-wadded quilt to us
2007-11-20 9:47 pm
The above translations are fine (some with grammatical mistakes) but you really do not have to use a lot of words to convey the message.

It is getting cold. Keep yourself warm. Please contact us for quilt/blankets if needed.
2007-11-20 9:39 pm
The weather is getting cold, dress warmly.
If anyone needs to have blankets, please feel free to contact me/us
參考: self
2007-11-20 8:28 pm
Hehehaha 1977 2003嘅答案較好, 不過我覺得咁寫會好D:

The weather is getting cold, beware of catching cold, please come to collect a heavy cotton quilt if neccessary.
參考: Myself
2007-11-20 7:58 pm
The weather was changing cold, please take care yourself that it is easy to catch cold. You can ask us for some cotton quilt if there in need

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