English - Grammer Problem

2007-11-20 5:42 pm
Which one of the following sentences is correct?

1. The purpose of this report is to discuss the progress we made on sales after the completion of the Winter Promotion Event and we look at 3 areas:

2. The purpose of this report is to discuss the progress we made on sales after the completion of the Winter Promotion Event and we looked at 3 areas:

Should be present or past tense? I am confusing :(

回答 (7)

2007-11-20 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Rather than using "look

I personally will suggest
-we focus on 3 areas
-we have summarized it into 3 areas

But you really wanna use "look
it should be "and we are looking at 3 areas"
because the following report will be focusing on those 3 points.
參考: Message from Canada
2007-11-21 8:49 am
we look at 3 areas
2007-11-20 10:36 pm
Many people are CONFUSED about this. You are not alone.

Whenever you report something, the events have already happened.

Use 2. The purpose of this report is to discuss the progress we made on sales after the completion of the Winter Promotion Event and we LOOKED at 3 areas:
2007-11-20 10:09 pm
present tense


1) the meaning of the "look" is "focus on".
2) you use the present tense is the 1st sentence - the purpose of this report "IS" .... so the tense of 2nd sentence should match with the 1st ones, i.e. use present tense.

if your report has been issued, you should use past tense for the 2nd sentence. Because, the matter has been happened.
2007-11-20 6:41 pm
I think it should be present continuous tense, as it seems the introduction of an article, when you are trying to explain what are you discussing next.

....and we are now looking at 3 areas or
2007-11-20 6:02 pm
Present tense...Because you are now describing the purpose.
2007-11-20 5:52 pm

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