Should I drop out of college?

2007-11-19 6:50 pm
I have been going to a local university for about two years, but I have completed only five classes. I have withdrawn a lot because I had difficulty around midterm times.

Because my transcript has six class withdraws and three quarter withdraws, it would be next to impossible to get into any law school. Therefore, my reason for going to college is not possible anymore, and I do not see much reason to go anymore.

Instead of going to college, I guess I will do nothing for the rest of my life until force eventually impends me to live on the street and become homeless.

I do not think I can do much any more. My dreams are gone now.

I go to a university. I am a junior. I already went to junior college. I did well at junior college and I got into a good university. However, I did not do well at the good university. So, it is not as good as it is ranked in prestige, I am the problem, or both of these.

回答 (18)

2007-11-19 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
there are more options than law school.
i mean if you cant keep up with your classes now, how would you finish law school?

find something else that you enjoy and can do.

your limiting yourself way to much. i mean i used to want to be a famous painter, but i screwed my college up and that probably wont be happening. although a real artist needs no college, but the point being, if i came to the conclusion that ----oh i cant go to art school to be an artist so i guess im just gonna live in the streets-- id be uhh homeless i guess. but ive found other things that interest me and that i can more easily attain. and really, ive found things that i enjoy much more that painting. and am glad i never completely went down that path. just take some time to figure out what you really want and how much effort your willing to put into getting what you want.

& you could get back on track, just take a few classes at a time, dont withdraw any of them! just try and keep your record clean and looking good. and if need be, just explain that you started off rough but got threw it and now your doing good. if you really want to go to law school then do it and quit crying. nothing good ever came easy to anyone~~
2007-11-20 3:08 am
Well: consider this:
1999- I am diagnosed with an incurable blood disorder that I am battling daily
2000- My husband shoots himself in the chest and dies in my arms 12 days later
2000- got a DUI one month after his death
2002-re-married- to my childhood sweetheart
2003- Feb. Beloved Grandmother died...October Dad died suddenly
2004- Stepson dies (age-18) accidental overdose
2005-Husband contracts double pneumonia and almost dies
2006- Stepson from 1st marriage (age 31) dies in ATV accident
2007- Knee replacement surgery
Mother has brain tumor removed- 1 week later has
heart attack and has to have by-pass and heart valve
Husband's foot is crushed at work...has (as of Oct)
had 2 foot surgeries...may be disabled now at age 51.
Due to husband's accident, we will be loosing our
home to foreclosure Jan.1 if it does not sell by then

I am still smiling...I work full time...I went back to school in 2005 (then age 46) and got my real estate license, but the "bottom dropped out" of the market and I had to find a 9-5...
Yeah...go ahead and moan and complain....I've got some sympathy for you....NOT....
Sorry...but you need to pick yourself up...get on meds if you have to and QUIT YER B*I*T*C*H*I*N*G...
2007-11-20 3:04 am
I'm almost 30 and still in college. Mainly for the same reason... I withdrew from a lot of classes when I was younger and had a less than stellar transcript. I stopped going all together and then one day realized that without the piece of paper, I'm not going to have the life style I ultimately want.
So when you have a crappy transcript and you want to get into a good school...this is what you do:
Since you only have 5 classes completed, forget all about those classes. Sure, it's time and money wasted but it can be a nice "do-over" opportunity. Start from scratch at an entirely different school. You'll have a fresh transcript and the motivation to do well in school. I took out student loans to help me financially and motivationally. If I stop going to class, then I have to start paying the loan back and I can't do that right now. So that keeps me in class!!
Good luck!
2007-11-20 3:03 am
Lower your expectations. There are other fields besides law that you could get into. You could teach, become a social worker or a psychologist. You could study library science or art history. Talk to your advisor. It sounds like you are depressed. You can get help for that too. Don't drop out. You will regret it forever.
2007-11-20 2:58 am
You shouldn't give up. Anyone can get anywhere if they set their mind to it. Even people who have gone to prison shape up afterward and find themselves a doctor, lawyer, whatever. It's happened before. Withdrawals are not a reason to quit going to school forever. You had problems, it's inevitable, admissions will understand. What you DO need to do if you want to make this dream a reality is keep going to school, FOCUS, do well in courses, and put these withdrawals behind you. With a good rest of a GPA and good LSAT scores, I'm sure you can find yourself in a law school in the future.
2007-11-20 2:58 am
even if you dont go to law school you can still excel in something else. Nowadays you can get an AS degree and make good money without going to school for too long, I think you should seriously consider that. Dont drop out now because in the future when you wish you had gotten a degree you will not have the ability to go back to school and u will b sorry.
2007-11-20 2:57 am
well my advise to you is to NOT drop out, buckle down get a tutor, work your tail off, get straight As (it is very possible if you work hard) then when you are applying to law school have an essay explaining to them that you weren't trying very hard in the beginning and realized that you needed to straighten up! Look into other careers you may be interested in for back up! there's def. something out there for you, don't lose hope!
2007-11-20 2:56 am
Perhaps, you should not do college full time. Take a year off, and look for a job. You can always do college part-time, so it is less stressful around midterms.

Don't give up!
2007-11-20 3:53 am
You probaly feel like crap right now, and I don't blame you. Rather than tell you to appreciate what have , and tell you I have cancer or something like that in order to shock you into some false sense of reality...I will tell you this. Your dreams will never die if you keep pursuing them. Go to community college.Its cheaper and easier. Get good grades , and join a on-campus honor society. Then in two years transfer to a four year school. You might even be eligable for finacial aid. Some people have it good, and some people have it worse. Work with what you've got, and always try your best. Things have a way of working themselves out. Don't give up on your still have a substantial amount of years left. They can be good years or bad or years its up to you. You feel hopless right now, and its normal to feel that way for a period of time. Don't let this one bad feeling drag you down forever. Have the strength to keep going. Good luck!
2007-11-20 3:14 am
I think you should try community college. It doesn't cost as much, and when you are ready to transfer you will have good grades, and all your GE's completed. The best part is Universities will think you are a success story, because you over came your difficulties. They love that kind of ****.

Don't give up... find something else you're into, take different classes. You don't want to work a job that is meaningless to your for the rest of your life. Find your passion, and foster it...

good luck!

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