熊貓絕種會點? [英文答] 急~~

2007-11-20 7:10 am
熊貓絕種會點? [英文答] 急~~
q: if the panda bear disappeared it would be...???
a ..??

回答 (4)

2007-11-20 1:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We will never again be able to see such a wonderfully cute animal and China will lose one of its own national treasures.

參考: 自己
2007-11-20 11:31 am
We can not see this panda bear again forever.

2007-11-20 7:31 am
I can not be meeting to the panda that these are all lovelier
through all eternity.
2007-11-20 7:20 am
我地以後唔會可以左見到e d咁可愛o既熊貓
We will never could not saw this very cute panda bear.

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