各位英文高手 吾該幫下我 急!!!!!~10分!

2007-11-20 6:41 am

1. what kind of pets will be given to the orphanage

2.why do you choose it

3.how much it it

4.what is its appearance

5.what is its characteristics

6.what does it eat

7.how to look after it

8.any other important details

回答 (3)

2007-11-20 6:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I will give a rabbit to the orphanage.
2.It is because I think rabbit is cute and it is kind.
3.It is about one hundred to two thousand.
4.The color of it is white.It has long ear,small eyes and short tail.
5.It is kind.It will jump and love you to play with it.
6.It likes eat vegetables and glass.
7.I will feed it and tidy up its things.
8.It don't like big noise but love people play with it.

參考: 自已.
2007-11-20 8:26 am
1. what kind of pets will be given to the orphanage
Most possible is a dog

2.why do you choose it
Because dog understands there owner very much and as they grow, they have the ability to protect their owner.

3.how much it it
It could range from $2000 to $40000, it really depends on type.

4.what is its appearance
they could be very big that can grow to half a normal person's height, size colour range from types and have wet nose.

5.what is its characteristics
they are very understanding, and like their owner. But they change according to owner. Very adaptive.

6.what does it eat
It is best to feed proper dog food and water. Food that we eat is no good for them.

7.how to look after it
they are like children, care for them.

8.any other important details
They always name as men's best friend.
參考: me
2007-11-20 6:53 am
1 spider
2 it is because I hate spider
3 What is "it it"?
4 Eight legs and three parts of body
5 it's an eight leg insect
6 it eat insect
7 I don't know
8 It spins a web

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