
2007-11-20 4:27 am

回答 (4)

2007-11-20 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
at=1. 在...地點
They were already waiting at the gate when I got there.
2. 在...時刻
Jane will meet her boy friend at Christmas.
3. 向,朝,對著
Don't shout at me.
4. 在...方面
He is an expert at troubleshooting.
5. 因為,由於
I woke at the sound of the bell.
6. 從事於,忙於
He is working hard at this thesis.
7. 以(某種價格,速度等)
They sold the cloth at a dollar a yard.
*in=1. 在...裡,在...上
The two brothers study in the same class.
The telephone is in the little study on the ground floor.
2. 在...之內;在...方面
He is lacking in courage.

3. 從事於;參加著
She is in business.
4. 穿著,戴著
He is dressed in black.
5. 朝,向
She hurried away in the opposite direction.
6. (表示手段,方法,材料)用,以
They paid in cash.
7. 在...期間;在...以後
He'll come back in a week.
I haven't met her in a long time.
8. 處在...中
The room was in disorder.
9. (表示數量,程度,比例)按,以;在...中
One child in twenty has this disease.
10. 在...身上,在...上
In him I see a future leader.
11. (表示過程)在...當兒;在...過程中
The work is in progress.
12. (表示動作的方向和結果)進入到...中;成,為
He pushed a button and set the machine in motion.
1. 進;在裡頭
Please come in.
2. 在屋裡;在家
I called on him; but he wasn't in.
3. (車,船,季節等)已到達,已來臨
Spring is in at last.
4. (莊稼)已收進;已成熟
The wheat crop is in.
5. (服裝等)時髦
Miniskirts are in again.
6. 當政;當選
The Democratic Party is in.
7. 【板】輪到擊球,【網】(球)在界內
8. (加)入,(攙)入
1. 在裡面的;朝裡面的[B]
I found the letter in my tray.
2. 【口】時髦的,流行的;趕時髦的[B]
These clothes are the `in' thing now in Los Angeles.
the in crowd
This is the in thing to wear this season.
She mixed with the in crowd.
3. 【口】限於小圈子的[B]
It was an in joke.
4. (火等)燃燒著的;(燈)亮著的[F]
1. 當朝派;執政者[P1]
2. 【美】【口】門路,關係[C]
*of=1. ...的,屬於
One of the legs of the table is broken.
Mr. Brown is a friend of mine.
2. 用...做成的;由...製成
The house is of stone.
3. 含有...的;裝有...的
4. ...之中的;...的成員
Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best.
5. (表示同位)
He came to New York at the age of ten.
6. (表示受格關係)
He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy.
7. (表示主格關係)
We waited for the arrival of the next bus.
I have the complete works of Shakespeare.
8. 來自...的;出自
He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii.
9. 因為
Her son died of hepatitis.
10. 在...方面
My aunt is hard of hearing.
11. 【美】(時間)在...之前
12. (表示具有某種性質)
It is a matter of importance.
*to=1. 向,往,到
She lives in the house to the right.
This road leads to Paris.
2. (表示距離)離
3. (表示時間)直到,在...之前
He wrote from morning to night.
4. (表示程度,範圍)到,達
He was wet to the skin.
5. 趨於;(變)成,(變)到
Things are going from bad to worse.
6. (表示位置)對,面對
7. (表示接近,接觸)在,於,緊貼著
8. (表示對象)對,向
Excessive drinking did harm to his health.
9. 屬於,歸於
I've lost the key to the house.
10. (表示比較,對比)比
This engine is superior to that one.
11. (表示比例關係)每
12. 對於,關於
What is her attitude to the issue?
13. 與...一致,按...
Modern paintings are not to my taste.
14. 為了,用作
We sat down to dinner at six.
15. 致使
To her delight, she passed the examination.
16. 由於
1. 向前
2. (門等)關上
She pushed the door to.
3. 恢復意識
The girl came to after a while.
4. (做)起來,著手
They fell to with great relish.
5. 在近旁
1. (與原形動詞一起構成不定詞)
The government offered to give us financial help.
To gossip about others isn't right.
2. (用來代替不定詞或不定詞短語,以免重複)
You can do it this way if you care to.
*a=1. 一
He has got a job in Los Angeles.
2. 任一
A triangle has three sides.
3. 某一
A Mr. Brown wishes to see you.
4. 每一
We met once a week.
5. 一種
Copper is a metal.
6. 一副
He needs a knife and fork.
*the=1. 這(個),那(個)
Do you know the man talking to the boss?
2. 這些,那些
Have you got the letters I sent you?
1. (用於形容詞,副詞比較級前)越...越...
The sooner, the better.
The older he gets, the more active he becomes.
2. (用於比較級前)更加
If you put in a good word for him, he's all the more likely to get the job.
參考: yahoo!字典
2007-11-20 4:41 am
at is say 在,in is say 在...裡,在...上
of is say屬於,to is say 向,往,到
a is say 一,the is say這(個),那(個)

2007-11-19 20:42:20 補充:
At 時間In 在地方 a 一個the 一樣東西

2007-11-21 18:43:27 補充:
at=1. 在...地點They were already waiting at the gate when I got there.2. 在...時刻Jane will meet her boy friend at Christmas.3. 向,朝,對著Don't shout at me.4. 在...方面He is an expert at troubleshooting.
2007-11-20 4:39 am
At 時間
In 在地方
a 一個
the 一樣東西

2007-11-19 20:40:47 補充:
of is say屬於to向,往,到
參考: me
2007-11-20 4:37 am
at is say 在,in is say 在...裡,在...上
of is say屬於,to is say 向,往,到
a is say 一,the is say這(個),那(個)
參考: yahoo ,me

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