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魚蛋 =Fish's egg
砵仔糕 =Son's cake
雞蛋仔 =Egg son
魚肉燒賣王 =King of steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top fish
臭豆腐 =Strong-smelling preserved bean curd
碗仔翅 =The bowl has son's wing
菠蘿包 =The pineapple chartering
糖蔥餅 =Candy spring onions cake
蛋撻 =The egg flogging
芝麻卷 =Sesame one
煨番薯 =Cook over a slow fire the sweet potato
沙翁 =Sha Weng
炒栗子 =Fry chestnuts
熱粟米 =Hot millet rice
馬仔 =Ma Zi
咖喱魷魚 =Curried squid
絲襪奶茶 =Tea with milk of silk socks
老婆餅 =Wife's cake
油炸鬼 =Fried spirit
糖不甩 =The candy is not got rid of
花生糖 =Nougat
西多士 =Much persons in the west
炸兩 =Bomb two
皮蛋酥 =The lime-preserved egg is crisp
豆腐花 =Bean curd flower
煨魷魚 =Cook over a slow fire squids
大菜糕 =Cake of last course of a feast
龍鬚糖 =Dragon need candy
白糖糕 =White sugar cake
棉花糖 =Marshmallow
粉果 =Powder fruit
豬腸粉 =Pig's rice noodle roll
蛋散 =The egg breaks up
杏仁餅 =Almond cookie
格仔餅 =One dose of young animals' cake
豬大腸 =Pig's large intestine
煎釀三寶 =Fry the Triratna of making
燒賣 =Steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top
車仔麵 =The automobile boy
楊枝甘露 =The sweet dew
離島海鮮 =Seafood of subsidiary island
叮叮糖 =Sting candies