✔ 最佳答案
嘩, 稍稍思考了怎樣作答, 回頭一看已有幾個答案, 不過都是雜亂無章、文法錯誤的軟件翻譯, 就試試提交我的版本吧 (自行翻譯的):
1. 因為我的誤會和一時的大意, 所以沒有回覆這份報告, 而且也把這份報告遺失了。
Due to my misunderstanding and negligence, not only did I fail to reply to this report, but I also lost it.
2. 另一方面, 你寄給我的一封通知書, 因為收件地址是我朋友的住址, 而到了上星期, 我才收到這一封信的轉交, 所以再次引致延誤, 所以我在19號, 委託別人到貴處詢問有關補救方法, 而貴處職員也答應再發給我一份新的報告, 隨函附上已經完成填寫好的報告。
Besides, there is a further delay when it was only last week that I received your letter of notice since the mailing address belongs to my friend's place of residence. So, I entrusted somebody to come to your office on the 19th with the enquiry about any remedial methods. The staff of your office promised to issue another report to me. Enclosed is a report duly filled in.
3. 我懇請貴處可以豁免我的罰款。
It is my earnest request that I can be granted exemption from any fine.
2007-11-19 20:49:47 補充:
Online translations above, except 'doggiemkw'.