
2007-11-20 1:37 am
係咪好似咁:Good morning every one , today i would like to share a book for you.Thetitle of the book is xxxxxx.The author is xxxxx.This story is talking about......................?(有無野係可以再加既???)因為我驚講唔到3分鐘!!!!
e我想寫junie B既BOSS OF LUNCH...唔知有無人睇過??有既可以發表下意見!!!


回答 (2)

2007-11-20 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning everybody, today i would like to share an interesting book called BOSS OF LUNCH with all of you. It is written by Junie B, (some discribsion about the writer, E.g. a famous Italian writter borned in 1985). OK, first of all, let me introduce the main characters.(describe some of the main characters& tell your classmates which you like the most and why) then, (talk about a few most impressive scenes in the story and your feeling on them) After that, talk about the results after the scenes( the ending). last, (repeat that it is a good book and recommand it to your classmates. Say "that's all for my presentation, thank you for your attention"
2007-11-20 1:53 am
參考: 書名:閱讀報告的寫法(中,英)

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