
2007-11-20 1:37 am
白矮星轉為中子星時, 電子和質子會合併成為中子, 但是電子和質子的電性是相反的哦, 為甚麼會合併成中子而不是相抵銷且變成光子將能量放走?

回答 (2)

2007-11-20 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
希望解答到你 ^^

2007-11-19 22:42:24 補充:
Neutron star is a star containing more than 1.3 solar masses of material compressed into a volume approximately 6 mi (10 km) in radius. Neutron stars are one of the end points of stellar evolution and are the final states of stars that begin their lives with considerably more mass than the Sun.

2007-11-19 22:43:24 補充:
If Einstein's theory of gravitation is the correct one, a neutron star with a mass larger than some limiting value will collapse catastrophically, because its internal pressure will be insufficient, and become a black hole.

2007-11-19 22:44:25 補充:
The exact value of this limiting mass is not known precisely, but lies between 3 and 5 solar masses.Measured values of masses of neutron stars in double star systems range from 1.4 to 1.8 solar masses. (1 solar mass equals 2.0 x 10^33 kg.)
參考: 自己
2007-11-20 3:36 am


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