
2007-11-20 12:01 am
what is USB 啊??????

回答 (5)

2007-11-20 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Universal Serial Bus(USB)是連接外部設備的一個串口總線標準,在計算機上使用廣泛,但也可以用在機頂盒和遊戲機上,補充標準On-The-Go(OTG)使其能夠用於在便携設備之間直接交換數據。

2007-11-19 16:21:12 補充:
USB只係一個接駁位, USB手指係指memory stick, 即係個儲存器同電腦連接既平台係靠USB現時好多電腦周邊產品, 如Keyboard同mouse都用USB接駁去電腦既CPU度
2007-11-20 12:21 am
2007-11-20 12:12 am
USB is the intial of Universal Serial Bus.

It is a serial bus standard to interface devices. A major component in the PC, USB was designed to allow peripherals to be connected using a single "standardized interface socket" and to improve "plug-and-play" capabilities by allowing devices to be connected and disconnected without rebooting the computer.

Other convenient features include providing power to low-consumption devices without the need for an external power supply and allowing many devices to be used without requiring manufacturer specific, individual device drivers to be installed.

2007-11-19 16:17:22 補充:
手指 is not = USB. 手指 should = portable memory stick But the design of the portable memory stick is usually connected with USB to the computer. So many people simply named it as USB. In fact USB should only refer to the design of the connection pluy but not the memory stick itself.
2007-11-20 12:10 am
參考: myself
2007-11-20 12:07 am
USB 係手機與電腦連接的工具
參考: myself

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