
2007-11-19 11:37 pm
佢本身係Me Lee has very little time to exercise.佢比左enough我,叫我改...
個答案就係:Mr Lee does not have enough time to exercise.
但如果我寫:Mr Lee has not enough time to exercise.

回答 (3)

2007-11-21 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
correct sentence
Mr Lee (noun) + does not have (verb) + enough time (noun)

your sentence

Mr lee (noun) + has not xxxx (incomplete verb) + enough time (noun)

if the event of mr lee has happened in the past, you could use past perfect tense.

you could say that Mr Lee + has not HAD + enough time

The meaning of have is 有,擁有
This coat has no pockets. 這件衣服沒有口袋\
p.s. HAs was used for "it, she, he" and HAVE used for "I, we and they
2007-11-19 11:50 pm
enough is adj
如果has not enough唔可以
Mr Lee has not had enough time to exercise
但呢個意思係話由過去 到現在Mr Lee 無足夠時間做exercise
2007-11-19 11:43 pm
Because it is wrong grammar
參考: self

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