
2007-11-19 8:24 pm
請問有開匯豐網上投資戶口的用戶, 以下是某股票的即時報價, 請問下表是甚麼意思? 括號內的數字代表甚麼? 謝謝!

買入 賣出

135.500 135.600 (這我知道是股價)
46% 54% (這我知道是買賣的百分比)
268,000(133) 308,800(7)
86,400(52) 396,000(9)
78,800(71) 186,000(3)
26,800(43) 60,800(3)
122,400(34) 375,200(12)
總數 總數
582,400(333) 1,326,800(34)

但是為何會有多行數字? 如268000(133) 308800(7)代表買賣的share(客戶) 那麼86400(52) 396000(9)又代表甚麼?為何有這麼多組數字?謝謝!

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The number in the ( ) means the number of people/Account send the sell/buy bid:
For example, 268,000(133) means total request buy-in is 268,000 share (@135.5), which is totally sent by 133 people/Account.
2007-11-24 6:07 am
買入 賣出
582,400(333) 1,326,800(34)

參考: 匯豐客 too

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