English - sentence structure

2007-11-19 8:01 pm
May I say:

I am sorry for putting you out.

(對不起, 我使你生氣了)

龜博士, 就 put some out, 我想再問: 從百科全書上註明: a. To inconvenience: Did our early arrival put you out? 這我明 b. To offend or irritate: I was put out by his attention to the television set. (是否有觸怒他的意思?)

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
對不起, 我使你生氣了:
1) I am sorry that I've made you mad/angry.
2) I am sorry for making you upset/mad/angry.
3) I am sorry that I've pissed you off. ( 呢句要小心﹐piss someone off 係使某人生氣﹐用詞比較粗俗﹐跟熟朋友講就可以﹐但唔可以跟上司或長輩講。)
Putting you out 唔係解生氣﹐是解“使不方便﹐打擾﹐ 熄滅“
參考: I live and study in the US
2007-11-21 8:50 am
sentence structure=對不起, 我使你生氣了

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