What is the defference between BELOW and UNDER?

2007-11-19 7:41 pm
What is the defference between BELOW and UNDER?

回答 (2)

2007-11-23 8:02 am
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唔同的係比較多的 phase 係 fix 左用 under 的. e.g under some circumstances [在某些情況下], 但唔會話 below some circumstances, under law [在法律之下〕, 唔會話 below law
2007-11-19 7:49 pm
UNDER = 在表面之下: 在水之下; 在皮膚之下

BELOW = 更低在等級、程度、數額、率, 等, 比: 在費用之下; 低於凝固點。
參考: dictionary

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