我dl左個foxy, 但係用唔到.. (真係解決到問題有20分)

2007-11-19 12:18 pm
我個foxy係粉紅色, 版本係1.9.5
但係我開左之後, 主頁: 無法顯示網頁(重新整理都唔得)
搜索: 冇反應

我已經閂晒norton, 防火牆, 都冇用..
我照常上到網, 但淨係佢連唔到線, 點解?

回答 (4)

2007-11-23 6:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

For Windows XP sp2繁體中文版(32BIT)

Foxy 1.9.5最新免安免解壓版 入去睇左手邊中間下DD見到以下 : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seconds to wait: 16 FREE DOWNLOAD MODE To get rid of download timers and other limits you can buy a premium account. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seconds to wait: 16 <--------------等呢個數到0就輸入數未驗證碼後按Download 下載,下載完click兩下即可用
2007-11-19 4:03 pm
用完一次.second time 開的時侯!!!

2007-11-19 2:30 pm
2007-11-19 12:51 pm
What Windon version you are. Some Vista didn't work
So you better remove the Foxy and reinstall may help.

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