how to planet create ?? (+20) ENG Plz ~~ urgent....

2007-11-19 10:56 am
explain planet how to created ........

回答 (2)

2007-11-25 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
This answer refers to a Theory about forming of planets.

Step1:Long time ago,there are only rocks,gas and dust in the solar system.

Step2:The rocks started to crash together by gravity and form a larger rock.

Step3:Some of the rocks have a greater mass and its gravity became larger.

Step4:These big rocks gain many small rocks and dust and their gravity became very big.

Step5:Almost all small rocks are attracted to form large rocks,and the large rocks became planets.

Step6:The planets attract gases to form atmosphere.

Step7:some of the planets have unstable orbit(軌道) so they crashed into the sun or into other large planets.

Step8:Only 8 planets are left and the solar system become stable.
2007-11-19 3:15 pm
i m not sure but
i know that people always said that is Jesus create this world and us
i think in Science it is a explode
Is two different kind of rocks crush together and make a very very big explosion
That's all i know, i hope i can help u to answer this question!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:31:41
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