"Scrump-diddly-umptious" 點解?

2007-11-19 9:22 am

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 5:27 pm
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Q:"Scrump-diddly-umptious" 點解?
A:Scrump-diddly-umptious是一個俚語。據稱是由英國兒童文學作家、劇作家和短篇小說作家Roald Dahl所創話的一字。它的意思其實是:
(1)extremely tasty and delicious
(2)really good and wonderful

(1)this biscuit is scrumdiddlyumptious(這塊餅乾極好吃!!)
(2)The movie is scrumdiddlyumptious!!


1962 _Marion ( Ohio ) star_ 23 Oct. 5 (advt.) Scrumdiddliumptious!* Walt Disney's happiest twosome...Lady and the Tramp. *It means fun for everyone!

1962 _Press Gazette_ ( Hillsboro , Ohio ) 27 Nov. 2 (advt.)
Scrumdidliumptious is the word for Walt Disney's happiest motion
picture, Lady and the Tramp.

1971 _Oakland Tribune_ 30 May (advt. for Willy Wonka's Candy Factory)Now you can make your own scrumdidilyumptious candy at home.

1971 _New York Times_ 30 June 29 (advt. for "Willy Wonka & The
Chocolate Factory") It's scrumdidilyumptious!

1971 _Lincoln ( Neb. ) Star_ 25 July 3F /3
Technically, the film is a scrumdidilyumptious (as they say in the movie) delight.

1972 _Chicago Tribune_ 17 Nov. C11/6
"Scrumdidliumptious" is the name of a new candy bar. ... "Scrumdidliumptious," by the way, was anadjective used in the movie version of "Willy Wonka and the ChocolateFactory," which was financed by Quaker.

1973 _Ironwood ( Mich. ) Daily Globe_ 17 May 7 (advt.)
Scrumdiddly~umptious! We've just about run out of superlatives to
describe Bruno's Italian Bread ahd Hard Rolls.





“In these cases, inclusion of an adjective (frequently an expletive) within another morpheme can be used to add extra emphasis and convey a combined meaning.
Eg. fanbloodytastic
So in this case scrumpdiddlyumptious conveys a meaning along the lines of:
‘very Scrumptious and rather diddly’

2007-11-23 3:25 am

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