形容人轉數唔夠快/ 唔識變通 的英文點講??

2007-11-19 9:13 am
1. 形容人轉數唔夠快/ 唔識變通 的英文點講??
2. 仲有those 同 that 有咩分別?
3. 泳褲的英文係乜野?
4. 形容人面皮厚的英文係咩?
5. 唔大方的英文係咩?
6. 有上進心的英文係咩?
7. 有理想的英文係咩?
8. 富幻想力的英文係咩?
9. 為人設想的英文係咩?
英文高手幫幫忙丫 好難>

回答 (4)

2007-11-19 9:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 形容人轉數唔夠快/ 唔識變通 的英文點講??
2. 仲有those 同 that 有咩分別? those (plural), that (singular)
3. 泳褲的英文係乜野? - men's switsuit
4. 形容人面皮厚的英文係咩? - shameless
5. 唔大方 (吝嗇的/小氣的) 的英文係咩? - ungenerous/ stingy/ cheap, (吝嗇的), narrow-minded (小氣的)
6. 有上進心的英文係咩? -Ambitious/has a strong determination to succeed
7. 有理想的英文係咩? -Idealistic
8. 富幻想力的英文係咩? - Imaginative
9. 為人設想的英文係咩? - Considerate, altruistic (利他主義的)

2007-11-19 01:42:51 補充:
1. 形容人轉數唔夠快/ 唔識變通 的英文點講?? unresponsive (反應遲鈍的)

2007-11-19 01:43:38 補充:
Spelling error, sorry-- 3. 泳褲的英文係乜野? - men's swimsuit

2007-11-19 06:19:42 補充:
To: thomastsui59Idealistic = 有理想請你弄清楚才話我的翻譯錯﹐你自己的翻譯也串錯字, i.e. amitious -- ambitious
參考: I live and study in the US
2008-06-24 8:34 pm
有理想: 有目標, 有抱負 (ambitious)
理想主義: 處事沒預計有可能出現的障礙 (idealistic)

to 龜博士:
查字典得出的答案有問題, 原因大多是使用者的誤用, 不了解中西文化差異而盲目引典
Actually, do you just live and study in a CHINA TOWN in US?
It doesn't seem that you know much about the culture of the States.
2007-11-22 1:13 am
1. 形容人轉數唔夠快/ 唔識變通 的英文點講?? Dumb, idiot, oaf, pigheaded, stupid, unapt.......
2. 仲有those 同 that 有咩分別? those (plural), that (singular)
3. 泳褲的英文係乜野? - swimming trunks, bathing trunks
4. 形容人面皮厚的英文係咩? - shameless, wretched, brazen
5. 唔大方 (吝嗇的/小氣的) 的英文係咩? - tightfisted, ungenerous, stingy, cheap
6. 有上進心的英文係咩? - ambitious,
7. 有理想的英文係咩? -Idealistic, unrealistic
8. 富幻想力的英文係咩? - Imaginative, creative, ingenious
9. 為人設想的英文係咩? - Considerate, altruistic, benevolent
2007-11-19 12:06 pm
1. slow
2. those if the plural of that
3. swimpants
4. thick-skinned
5. cheap/stingy
6. motivated
7. ambitious
8. creative/imaginative
9. considerate/thoughtful/understanding/put oneself into another's shoes

2007-11-19 04:12:52 補充:
sorry, typo2. those is the plural of that
參考: moi

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