Would it be morally wrong to harvest organs from prisoners on death roll?

2007-11-18 12:34 pm

回答 (8)

2007-11-18 3:25 pm
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The problem with harvesting organs from death row inmates is that the manner of execution (generally electrocution or lethal injection) may very well render the organs unusable to subsequent recipients.

One problem with organ donation (at least in the US) is that you have to "opt in." In law school I wrote a paper on organ donation, and studies have shown that many people would be willing to donate their organs, but because they never make their wishes known, the decision then is up to their families, who aren't sure of the person's wishes, so they decide not to donate the organs.

One possible alternative would be to change the policy, so that people have to "opt out." That is, everyone would be assumed to be an organ donor, unless they specify that they do not wish to be one.

It's similar with blood donation. About 60% of the population is elligible to donate blood, but only about 5% actually donate.
2007-11-18 8:58 pm
It's very easy for me to say that I wouldn't want an organ from executed prisoners on death row, but I've never known the desperation of needing an organ for survival.
2007-11-18 8:48 pm
The methods of execution may not permit the organs to be healthy enough for transplant. Donating organs is a wonderful thing to do, but maybe prisioners are not allowed to participate in the program. While I am on this subject, let me write a sign that is posted in the University of Michigan's hospital. Don't take your organs with you, heaven knows we need them.
2007-11-18 8:44 pm
Depends if they sign their organs over to science.
Not sure what it means to "harvest" them though.
2007-11-18 8:44 pm
I don't think there's one standardized code of morality.

However, if someone's alive, why would you want to take their organs away? That sounds like torture to me.

The less we cut up people, the better.
2007-11-18 8:44 pm
I think they should be able to donate organs if they choose.
2007-11-18 8:42 pm
if the prisoner wants to donate hos/her organ then no. if not, yes
2007-11-18 8:40 pm
Well according to the Hippocratic Oath, yes. Now, if they die and donate their bodies to science then no.

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