Flight attendant interview

2007-11-19 7:41 am
For Cathay Pacific Flight attendant 2nd interview, is there any tips ? How does the mandarin assessment of the interciew work ? What do they test ? How many part does it have ? is it difficult ??

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 8:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here are some question ..hope it can help you!!

*What is service straight to the heart ?
*Why do you wanna be a FA ?
*How confident are you ? from scale 1 to 10 ?
*What will you do if you fail this time ?
*Why do you want to change your job ?
*Why do you think you are suitable for FA ?
*What will do you if you hv argue with colleagues?

~~if you hv passed 2nd.they will arrange you to hv MA!!

1) Listening test
2) Speaking test
3) Translation test
4) Reading test
5) Reading with 拼音

~~ if you hv passed MA then you will receive BC call!!

Good luck**
參考: self!
2007-11-19 9:18 am
冇tips 架喇.. 2nd in 當係傾計就得架喇.. 唔好緊張! 主要針對返妳 cv 既野再加d 航機上既處境問題或者問妳如果妳failed 妳會點既問題, 純粹睇妳反應.

ma + bc 係 2nd in passed 至會有,
ma flow :
listening 答問題
oral 用國語讀出 20個英文生字 及讀篇文章
參考: 自己........... 冇 copy & paste!

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