我想報polyu part time degree

2007-11-19 4:42 am
1) website 寫要4年讀72個credit, 咁係咪即係要讀72 科?
2) 係咪一定要4年讀哂, 我可唔可以攤長到5年?
3) 點解個website 好似冇個progarm 有咩course 讀(Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electrical Engineering ), 係咪即係冇choice 所有course 都要讀哂?
4) 個program名有個Honours, 有咩特別意義?

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
(4)英式(即港式)的Bachelor的Honours完全沒意義,因為99%以上Bachelor都系Honours degree 課程,除非你成績差不多畢不了業,否則都係攞Bachelor degree with Honours。其他地方,如澳洲的學制不一樣,可能要多讀一年。
參考: me
2007-11-19 5:19 am
I did take a part time BEng degree course (1998-2002) at PolyU. Although the course was not in electrical engineering field but I think I may help you:

1) "72 credita" doesn't mean you have to do 72 subjects because the vast majority of courses "are worth"3 credits. If you finish one subject, you can get 3 credits. Some modules, e,g, design progject, carry 6 credits.

2) No idea.....sorry. However, I met a classmate who enrolled on a PT BEng degree course in 1997 and he was suppoed to finished the yr one study before 6/1998. However, I met him in my first year study (98-99), while he was still doing yr 1 for some reasons.

3) I just had a look at the EE website, course information was not available. However, if you look at
http://www18.polyu.edu.hk/e-prospectus/pt/prog_detail.jsp?prog_id=5397&prog_blk_title_id=423&org_id=5397 , you will find that you have to take some elective subjects that you will not be required to take all subjects.

4) If your exam results are not low enough, you will be awarded a degree with Honours. But "don't take it for granted" because I have a friend he may not have a Hons degree as he had a very low GPA.... If you don't have a Hons Degree, you may not meet the academic requirement of being a MHKIE
參考: I was a PolyU student!!!

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