Math homework HELP!!! Form 1

2007-11-19 4:31 am
Please help! Do it with complete steps, thx!

'Gold Grain' (GG) Rice is composed of Chinese Rice(60%) and Thai Rice(40%), The cost of Chinese Rice is $5 per kg. The manufacturer marks a 5 kg bag of GG rice at $54 and makes a profit of 80%.

a. Find the cost of a bag of a GG rice.
b. Find the cost of Thai rice per kg.


回答 (2)

2007-11-19 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Cost of a bag of GG rice = $54/ (1+80%) = 54/1.8 = $30
(b) Let x be the cost of Thai rice per kg.
(0.6*5 + 0.4x)*5 = 30
3 + 0.4x = 6
0.4x = 3
x = 7.5
Cost of Thai rice per kg is $7.5
2007-11-19 4:45 am
a. the cost of a bag of a cg rice is:
$ 54/(1+0.8) 個profit道理係賺多左0.8包所以54蚊值1.8包

b. the cost of thai rice per kg
$ 40%係thai rice 唔等於就係$30既40% 因為唔一定會係1公斤
let the cost be x$, (x*0.4+5*0.6)*5=30

2007-11-18 20:47:24 補充:
我地同時答岩,大家都答得好準﹗揀佢la ,因為佢答得快而準。

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