
2007-11-19 1:16 am
Think it over
Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and
narrower points of view.We spend more, but enjoy less.We have bigger houses, but more broken homes We have more knowledge, but less judgment. We have more medicines, but less health. .(未完)

回答 (2)

2007-11-19 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
樓上誤會了文章的意思, 所以本來對的改錯了....
本人的英文也不算很好, 在這篇講稿中看不出什麼語法錯誤...
但覺這文很有意思, 祝演講成功.
2007-11-19 1:38 am

認為它為overToday,我們有更高的大樓和更寬的公路, 但是view.We的更短的氣質和更狹窄的點花費更多, 但是喜愛less.We有更大的房子,但是更多的破裂家庭我們有更多的知識,更只一點點的判斷。我們有更多的藥,更只一點點的健康

Think it is as overToday, we have higher buildings and wider highway, but the shorter makings of view.We and narrower point are spent more, but like less.We have heavy house, more broken family we have more knowledge, only a little judgements. We have more medicines, only a little health

我們達到月亮並且回來,但是我們發現見到我們的鄰居是令人討厭的。 我們有更高的收入,更只一點點的moral.These是有更多的自由,更只一點點的快樂的時代。

We reach the moon and come back,but we find the neighbours who see us are horrible.
We have higher incomes, a little moral.These have more freedom only, only a little happy era.


We eat more food, only a little nutrition.Thats, I propose, that since today.
Not keeping suiting anything every day of one special time, it is special time that you pass.Look for knowledge, the need of enjoying the scenery and not taking care of you


We eat more food, only a little nutrition.Thats, I propose, that since today.
Not keeping suiting anything every day of one special time, it is special time that you pass.
參考: 電腦

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