If you know the answer tell me! This is a math problem!?

2007-11-17 2:16 pm
Tom and Jerryare riding go-karts on 2 diffrent tracks. Tom's track takes 16 minutes to go around and Jerry's track takes 12 minutes to go around. How many minutes will it take Tom and Jerry to cross thier finish line at th same time? How many times will Tom go around the track? How many times will Jerry go around the track? Explian how you go your answer!

number of minutes:___________
Times tom will go around:__________
Times Jerry will go around:_________

回答 (19)

2007-11-17 2:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
48 minutes

Tom will go around 3 times
Jerry will go around 4 times

3x16= 48
4x12= 48
2016-05-24 11:16 am
Only the 1st and the last are correct. With the others these are what I can say: Problem 2: 8 - (b - 2) = 11 8 - b + 2 = 11 b = - 1 Problem 3: m - 2.7 = - 1.5m + 1 2.5m = 3.7 m = 1.48 Problem 4: x/r = n nr = x r = x/n
2007-11-17 3:17 pm
number of minutes:48
Times Tom...:3
Times Jerry...:4

You find the smallest number that contains 12 and 16 and you get 48. Tom will go 48/16 times around his track, which is three, an Jerry will go 48/12 times around his track, which is four
2007-11-17 3:03 pm
for this you have to find the GCM 12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96
16,32,48,64,80,96, the GCM is 96. so it will be 96 minutes. tom will go around his track 6 times. jerry will go around his track 8 times.
2007-11-17 2:39 pm
well thy already gave u da correct answer..bt let me Expalin lil bit,,when Tom finsh 1 turn and a half jerry will Finish 2 turns ...so when TOm finsh 3 turns Jerry will finish 4,,
TOM > JErry
1.5 > 2
3 > 4 after 48 mis
6 > 8 after 96 mins
12 > 16

they will meet every 48 mins,,,
2007-11-17 2:28 pm
You have to find the least common multiple of 16 and 12, LCM(16,12)



So Jerry goes around 4 times, and Tom goes around 3 times, and it will take them 48 minutes.
2007-11-17 2:25 pm
number of minutes: 48
Times tom will go around: 3
Times Jerry will go around: 4
2007-11-17 2:21 pm
After 48 minutes both of them will have completed a round, so both will pass the finish line at the same time. You can solve for the number of times each racer goes around.
2007-11-17 2:21 pm
it looks to me like it would take tom 3 times around the track and jerry 4 times to go around the track provided they are both going the exact same speed, it will take a total of 48 minutes and i just added up the 16s and added up the12s until they were the same number
2007-11-17 2:20 pm
minutes: 48
Tom goes around 3 times (3*16=48)
Jerry goes around 4 times (4*12=48)

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