1+ 3+ 5+ 7+ 9+ 11+ 13+ 15+ 17+ 19=100 take five numbers from these which result should be 50?

2007-11-17 1:29 pm

回答 (7)

2007-11-17 2:16 pm
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Can't happen because 5 odds can't sum to an even.
Check out the link below.
2007-11-17 9:59 pm
(7+11+13+19)*1=50 or (7+11+13+19)/1=50
50*1=50 or 50/1=50
i have multiplied because you have not told whether to add,subtract,multiply or divide
2007-11-17 9:38 pm
5 odd natural numbers always add up to an odd natural number (or any odd number of odd natural numbers). 50 is an even natural number; there's no answer. But if the operation is not addition, there will be an answer. Try dividing, subtracting and/or multiplying.
2007-11-17 9:36 pm
it can't be done because 50 is an even number, and no matter how you add it, an odd number of odd numbers added together will give you an odd number
2007-11-17 9:53 pm
There is no answer. 5 odd numbers would add up to an odd number.
2007-11-17 9:40 pm
It cannot be done, becase they're all odd numbers, and the addition of 5 of them must be odd too.
2007-11-17 10:34 pm
you may get any combination of 20 (5+15, 7+13, 9+11, except 1+19 because 4 numbers can have a sum of 50 and "1" should be used to multiply the 4numbers chosen)and 30 (11+19,13+17) example take off 3,5,7,15,19, so that 1*(9+11+13+17)=50

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